D. . She has dedicated her life to helping those around her whose voice cannot be heard, through Black Lives Matter. They helped to start a “Block the Bunker” campaign in Seattle that blocked a police station from being built in a POC community. “I will not give into your threats of assimilation ASU. ” Video of the verbal. Rocio Hernandez/KJZZ. A University investigation found Sarra Tekola and Mastaani Qureshi responsible for violating the "interfering with University activities" policy of the student code of conduct. They helped to start a “Block the Bunker” campaign in Seattle that blocked a police station from being built in a POC community. Mastaani Qureshi and Sarra Tekola were asked to hand in a three-page paper after they were found guilty of harassing two White students at the university's multicultural center in September 2021. D. Sarra Tekola Arizona State University | ASU · Global Institute of Sustainability Doctor of Philosophy Contact Connect with experts in your field Join ResearchGate to contact this researcher and. After the incident, Tekola was charged for violating the. For Sarra Tekola, climate change hits close to home. . Her father, Fasil, fled his homeland of Ethiopia in the ’70s (as documented in this Grist story last year). They are a co-founder and co-director for Black Lives Matter Phoenix Metro. 23, 2021, Tekola and another student activist confronted a group of white students accused of intimidating a Black study group. One of the students, Sarra Tekola, said that’s not happening. Sarra Tekola has a Ph. Bio. Tekola is a climate and Black Lives Matter activist in Seattle, working on a PhD in climate science Sarra Tekola has a Ph. in Sustainability. incident at a multicultural center have been dropped. Sara El-Sayed and Scott Cloutier are organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Zahara Teacola. She is active in the Divest UW campaign, and volunteers with the Seattle environmental justice organization Got Green. Rocio Hernandez/KJZZ. Arizona State University student Sarra Tekola shares during a Nov. Instead, the two have accused ASU of running a "racially-biased investigation" and "open discrimination". “I am loud, Black, and proud,” Tekola said. . Sarra has been fighting for racial justice nearly her whole life. incident at a multicultural center have been dropped. They were a lead organizer in Divest UW, where they divested coal. com/BrVxICZYqP On Sep. They were a lead organizer in Divest UW, where they divested coal. The third student, Miriam Araya, was not found responsible for any violations. Three ASU students of color who were involved in a September incident at a new multicultural space said. Fasil cites a bloody civil war as. Two Arizona State University (ASU) students of color were found to have violated university policy after an exchange with two white students at the Tempe campus’ newly formed multicultural center. Arizona State University student Sarra Tekola shares during a Nov. Tweet. D. They are a co-founder and co-director for Black Lives Matter Phoenix Metro. Tweet. Sarra Tekola is a student at the University of Washington, a legislative assistant with the Seattle City Council, and a climate activist. At issue is a video that has gone viral of two women, undergraduate student Mastaani Qureshi and graduate student Sarra Tekola, attacking the two young male students for studying in what the women claim was space meant for “marginalized and oppressed peoples. twitter. in Sustainability. ” This insanity is happening on college campuses pic. 16, 2021, press conference that charges against them and others related to a Sept. Not only is she a scholar and Ph. candidate, but also selfless activist. Three ASU students of color who were involved in a September incident at a new multicultural space said. 16, 2021, press conference that charges against them and others related to a Sept. .